Monday, 15 June 2015

Need for healthy eye sight in kids

We are these days seeing the trend of lot of school going kids wearing spectacles.Though there is nothing to be embarrassed in wearing spectacles and one should not avoid wearing spectacles if one has been advised to wear by a Doctor but still it points towards a one very unhealthy trend.
Some corrective action is definitely required.Firstly give kids a right diet,there food should have plenty of green vegetables,seasonal fruits.Avoid junk food as far as possible.Eating pizza,burger,Maggi once in a while is ok but it should remain once in a while only and not become a regular habit.TV watching should not exceed more than an hour.Internet surfing should be allowed only if school work demands it.Child must play an outdoor game atleast for an hour on daily basis.
Now all this that has been mentioned above,some will find as impractical and can't be followed.To them the answer is, it is not impractical,it can be followed easily,provided we bring bit of discipline in kids life from the early stages.This will not only help the kid in having healthy eyes but will also help the kid in being successful in what ever he/she does as a grown up.

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