Friday 13 March 2015

Prevent Glaucoma from Darkening your life

 Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness all over the world. Although people of every age group are susceptible to developing glaucoma, the chances are even higher for the elderly. Unfortunately, there is a huge lack of awareness about this eye condition and its seriousness.
Glaucoma is a condition in which the optic nerve, which transmits the images formed on retina to the brain, starts getting damaged. Once it is completely impaired, the brain stops receiving the images. As a result, the affected person loses their ability to see.

The main cause of this condition is an increase in intraocular pressure, which is the pressure of the fluid in our eyes. Excessive rise in pressure strangles the nerve fibres, causing them to start dying. As a result, progressive damage occurs, and it can lead to permanent blindness.
Intraocular pressure is not the sole reason; glaucoma can occur even if the intraocular pressure is normal. This is called low-tension or normal-tension glaucoma, in which optic nerve damage occurs due to other reasons. In rare cases, glaucoma can even be caused due to a chemical or blunt force injury, eye infection, severe eye inflammation or the blockage of blood vessels in the eyes.
Glaucoma, often referred as the ‘the sneak thief of vision', may not show any clear symptoms until the patient is on the verge of losing their eyesight. In the initial phases, there is no pain or difficulty in seeing. As the condition becomes more severe, the patient gradually starts to lose their peripheral vision. Some symptoms that point towards glaucoma are difficulty in seeing in dark places, frequent change of eye power, narrowing field of vision, blurred vision, seeing halos around light, pain and redness in the eyes and nausea.

Glaucoma is usually more common in people above 40 years of age, but it can also affect young people. People with a family history of glaucoma are at a much higher risk of developing it. Also, people with problems like high blood pressure and diabetes, or those who have been taking steroids for a long time are more prone to it. The best way to protect your eyes from this dangerous disease is regular eye examinations.

During diagnosis, an ophthalmologist examines the eyes and the optic nerves to check their condition. The doctor may also perform a procedure called a tonometry to check the pressure in the eyes. Other than that, eyesight tests and visual field tests are done to check for any loss of vision.

If detected in time, glaucoma can be treated using medicines, laser surgery or conventional glaucoma surgery. In the early stages, glaucoma can be treated with eye drops that help lower the pressure. The other option is laser surgery in which the built up fluid is eased by draining it out.

If treatment is not possible through both these methods, then conventional surgery is the only option. In this method, a new opening is made in the eye to ease the flow of fluids and consequently lower the pressure. Depending upon the case, the doctor may use one method, or a combination of methods, to cure glaucoma.

It is true that glaucoma can be a silent killer for your eyes, but awareness and early detection can help prevent loss of vision. So, if you have symptoms of glaucoma, get yourself diagnosed at the earliest.

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