Monday 22 June 2015

Experiencing floating strand or flashes in your vision, consult an eye specialist immediately

Have you ever noticed certain dark spots or floating strands in your vision, especially while looking at the sky? These floating strands aren’t your imagination but an eye problem called floaters.
Floaters are dark specks, strands, spots, dots or cobwebs moving in the field of vision.  These are more apparent while looking at a plain background or sky. Although floaters seem to be in front of the eye, they are in fact opacities floating inside the eye.

Our eye contains a jelly like substance, called Vitreous, which fills the central cavity of the eye. As one ages, the vitreous shrinks, thicken or become more fluid which leads to the formation of clumps or strands inside the eye called floaters. Apart from aging another factor which leads to occurrence of floaters is Posterior Vitreous Detachment also called PVD. PVD is a condition in which the vitreous gel pulls away from the retina. Floaters can also be related with eye diseases like vitreous hemorrhage or conditions like migraine.

Floaters are often seen along with flashing lights. These flashing lights experienced in the vision are flashes which are seen going on and off, especially on one side of the field of vision. Similar to floaters, flashes too occurs as a result of vitreous gel pulling the retina (PVD). If you ever see jagged lines of light in your vision that lasts for 10 to 20 minutes, this is apparently a migraine caused by blood vessels’ spasm in the brain. This can happen in one or both the eyes.

Although, Floaters and Flashes alone are harmless but the changes they bring inside the eye, can be potentially damaging. These if remain untreated may lead to loss of vision. In most cases, the vitreous separates from the retina (PVD) without showing any symptom. But sometimes, if the shrinking vitreous gel pulls away from the eye wall, then it might lead to retinal tear. A retinal tear if not treated can lead to retinal detachment in future.

 In few cases, there is a sudden occurrence of flashing lights with new floaters or a blackout in a part of field of vision. If this happens, make no delay and visit a corneal specialist immediately and to check if you have a retinal tear or detachment.

In the initial examinations, 5-15% of the patients with acute symptoms of PVD have been found to have a retinal tear, whereas, patients with acute PVD, who have no retinal breaks may have 2-5% chances of developing it in the weeks that follow. People suffering from Vitreous Hemorrhage have 70% chances of having retinal tear.

Depending upon the condition, the treatment of floaters and flashes is decided. Though, in most cases they are not harmful but it is very important to get your eyes examined, to make sure there has been no damage to the retina.

With time, most floaters fade away and become less bothersome. However, if you are not able to cope up with your daily chores due to floaters, then floater correction surgery can be considered. In this surgery, vitrectomy is removed from the eyes. In case, retinal tear is found, laser surgery or cryotherapy can be suggested by the doctor.

Not much can be done to prevent the occurrence of flashes and floaters. But having a healthy diet rich in Vitamin A and C can definitely act as a preventive shield against any eye disease. Also, have a disciplined lifestyle and include exercise, especially eye exercises as a part of your daily routine.

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