Monday 3 August 2015

7 Tips To Protect Your Eyes This Monsoon

Although monsoon brings a welcome relief from the scorching heat, it brings with it several bacterial and viral infections too. Typhoid and jaundice are common, and so are eye infections like conjunctivitis, viral fungal eye infection, styes, and several others. 
We are extra careful about serious diseases, but when it comes to the safety of our eyes we take things lightly, although we should be just as careful, if not more. Eyes need extra care during monsoons as the moist and humid conditions make it the most favourable time for bacteria to breed. One needs to be very careful about his/her personal hygiene in order to prevent occurrence of eye problems. 

As always, prevention is better than cure.
1. Firstly, if you get drenched in the rains, remember that once you come back home you should wash your eyes with clean water and dry the sides of the eyes with a dry towel.
2. Don’t rub eyes with dirty hands; this habit is common among children. Keep kids away from stagnated water.
3. Another thing noticed in the rainy season is that it is accompanied with high humidity and people wipe the areas around with a handkerchief which is usually not that clean. It is best to use a tissue.
4. If one wears contact lenses, one should clean them thoroughly. If you like swimming, see that the pool and the area around the pool are absolutely clean as bacterial infections lurk around unhygienic pools. In case someone has been diagnosed with eye problems, absolutely avoid sharing his personal belongings like towels, handkerchiefs, etc. These are external measures, and to build immunity avoid eating outside food. Have home-cooked meals, and fresh seasonal vegetables and fruits only.

5. But if you develop itchiness, just wash your eyes initially with cold water. If the itchiness does not subside, then please don’t self medicate by going to the nearest chemist and asking for eye drops. The best course of action is to see a physician and take the medicine that he prescribes. After this first step, if the the problem still persists, go and see a specialist.
6. If you still notice any symptom of an eye infection, splash some cold water on your eyes and visit a doctor as soon as possible. It is important that if you are suffering from an eye infection, you should not wear contact lenses, and if you are taking any other eye drops other than the ones for infection, stop using them until you are totally recovered from that infection.
7. Wear sunglasses when you're outdoors.

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