Thursday 20 August 2015

Prevention and treatment for Conjuctivitis

Conjuctivitis becomes so common during monsoon days.But to a very large extent it can be avoided.If we observe simple things like washing eyes after coming home in the night,not touching eyes with dirty hands, avoid sharing personal things like towels,handkerchief and other items of personal nature.We need to remember infection spreads through touch of commonly used items and that needs to be avoided.Avoid old stale food,food from any such place whose hygiene is susceptible,should be avoided at all costs.Avoid areas where water has collected.Wearing sun glasses can also help.
Now what if despite all the precautions,person falls sick.Firstly he should ask others not to touch him and use his personal belongings.Secondly he should wash his eyes gently with water and above all ,go to a Doctor.Avoid self medications or taking medicine on Chemists advise.This can be pretty dangerous and can have serious consequences.

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