Tuesday 7 June 2016

Conjunctivitis - A very common eye ailment found during summer and rainy season.

The inside of our eye lid and the covering of our eye ball have a thin delicate membrane called conjunctiva. When our eyes are exposed to the pollen or mold spores or any kind of dust, animal dander, chemical scents, abrasions chemical reactions, irritants, virus or bacteria, it results into redness, itchiness and swelling of the conjunctiva, which leads to allergic reaction called Conjunctivitis. There are two types of conjunctivitis. First, Acute Conjunctivitis which can be infective or  seasonal in nature. Eye lids swell, itching and burning sensation is experienced accompanied with watery nose mostly in specific times of the year. Second  is Chronic Conjunctivitis, which is mostly allergic but can occur whole year around.


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